Autor: Ilinca Stroe Joi, 10 octombrie 2019, International House Bucureşti, pe numele său oficial IHB Language Training Centre SRL, şi-a ţinut petrecerea de majorat. La Hotel Caro din Bucureşti i-am avut oaspeţi pe reprezentanţii Departamentelor de Resurse Umane ale companiilor noastre client: Deutsche Bahn Cargo, Mondelēz, BRD, Engie, Holcim, JTI, KPMG, Merck, Philips, Adecco, etc.; de asemenea, ne-au fost alături reprezentanţi ai altor clienţi non-corporate şi parteneri precum Consiliul Concurenţei, Ambasada Slovaciei sau Opera Comică. Am depănat poveşti despre proiecte şi realizări, despre provocări incitante şi bucuria găsirii soluţiilor, despre încredere şi lucrul împreună şi prietenie. Iar… la un bun pahar de vorbă merge, desigur, un bun pahar de vin! Sponsorii evenimentului, Produse Moldoveneşti şi Sweet Moments, au avut grijă ca degustarea de vin şi candy barul oferite la petrecere să ne îndulcească timpul petrecut împreună. Acesta a mai cuprins mulţumirile şi gândurile pe care Preşedintele IHB, Mihai Laurenţiu Gânj, le-a adresat invitaţilor, dar şi piesa de teatru „Metoda”, de Jordi Galceran, în interpretarea a patru actori de la Teatrul Nottara. Dar ce, mai exact, am sărbătorit la aniversarea a 18 ani de existenţă? În 2002, când am început să facem primii paşi, eram unul dintre nu foarte numeroasele centre de limbi străine din România. Ofeream în principal cursuri de engleză angajaţilor din companii şi cursuri de română străinilor rezidenţi în ţara noastră. Cu trecerea anilor, portofoliul nostru de cursuri pentru adulţi s-a îmbogăţit (cursuri de franceză, cursuri de germană, italiană, spaniolă, japoneză, etc.), iar în special din 2005 încoace oferta noastră de cursuri de engleză pentru copii s-a consolidat, a devenit din ce în ce mai consistentă şi inovatoare, prin munca remarcabilă depusă de divizia noastră pentru copii, English Kids Academy (EKA). Pas cu pas, proiect după proiect, IHB a crescut timp de 18 ani, pentru ca astăzi, la vârsta considerată „a maturizării”, să ajungem să oferim mult mai mult decât formarea competenţelor de limbi străine la adulţi şi copii. 1) Conferinţe: în ultimii ani am organizat conferinţele EKA despre o gamă de subiecte relevante pentru construirea relaţiei părinte-copil (inteligenţă emoţională, rolul tatălui, reuşita adolescenţilor, tehnologia), iar pe 12 octombrie 2019 am co-organizat „The Cyber Effect”, evenimentul cu sute de participanţi care a avut-o drept principală vorbitoare pe cea mai importantă expertă mondială în cyberpsihologie, Dr. Mary Aiken, şi care a fost elogiat de actori media precum Hotnews, Digi24 sau cotidianul „Libertatea”. 2) Programe de dezvoltare pentru copii: cele mai proaspete iniţiative puse în practică de EKA sunt lansarea unui Program de Consiliere pentru părinţi privind folosirea echilibrată a tehnologiei de către copii şi adolescenţi, şi înfiinţarea Young Readers Community, care îşi propune să consolideze prin lectură, şi în afara lecţiilor de engleză, abilităţile socio-emoţionale ale copiilor şi să îi formeze pe aceştia drept „cititori pe tot parcursul vieţii”. 3) Centru de formare a profesorilor: anul acesta am inaugurat Teacher Training Centre, unde profesorii de engleză de oriunde pot urma două cursuri recunoscute internaţional. Primul, acreditat de Universitatea din Cambridge, se numeşte CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults), şi este cel mai prestigios curs de formare a profesorilor de engleză pentru adulţi, la nivel mondial. Al doilea, IHCYLT (International House Certificate in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers), asigură formarea profesorilor de engleză pentru copii şi adolescenţi. 4) Premii: numai în 2019 am primit, pentru al doilea an consecutiv, premiul iStudy Guide pe 2019/2020 pentru excelenţă în predare (cu aprecieri speciale pentru calitatea curriculei de curs, dotările şi profesionalismul oferite de IHB), precum şi 4 premii în cadrul celei de-a XXVII-a ediţii a Topului Naţional al Firmelor Private din România, organizat de Consiliul IMM-urilor din România, pentru productivitate şi valoarea adusă comunităţii şi economiei româneşti. Astfel, după 18 ani de existenţă suntem recunoscători pentru realizările obţinute, ne reînnoim angajamentul faţă de cursanţii noştri adulţi şi copii, ne reafirmăm devotamentul pentru educaţie, pentru dezvoltare. Şi ne pregătim cu acelaşi entuziasm constructiv pentru viitor! Surse: <> <>
British Ball in Bucharest.
The British Ball, the magical event for children and parents marking in Romania the birthday of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, the Queen of the United Kingdom, held its seventh edition on June 8th, 2018. During the prestigious event organised yearly by International House Bucharest and English Kids Academy, with the support of His Excellency, Mr. Paul Brummell – The Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania, children, with outstanding results at English during the academic year 2017 – 2018, have been rewarded within the Fonix and Cambridge contests and other international exams. The British Ball benefited this year, too, from the support of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Bucharest and of the British Royal Family, who sent yearly the message of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, dedicated to the children and parents attending the event. This year’s British Ball was covered by PRO TV as follows: The event gathered approx. 800 guests: children from some prestigious schools in Bucharest, English Kids Academy students, parents, teachers, managers of the award-winning educational institutions, high ranking dignitaries and important representatives of the education sector. The British Ball is a high class event for Bucharest, oriented on several directions: supports and promotes quality education promotes values in the Romanian society celebrates, in Romania, the birthday of the Queen of Great Britain, Her Majesty Elizabeth II rewards the pupils with the best results at English throughout the academic year donates funds for major charity causes hosts a complex cultural programme, including artistic performances of the children attending the event, but also of famous artists. Since at English Kids Academy we do our best to teach children more than English, we wish to foster respect and responsibility towards: environment, Earth; respect and kindness to other people, other children, yearly, we support a new charity cause. The charity cause of the 2018 British Ball was directed, as in the last two years, towards Centrul Stelutelor – Asociatia M.A.M.E. It is the third consecutive year when, together, we provide the opportunity to a group of 25 children attended to by the centre to participate for 7 days in Tabara Stelutelor. A second charity project hosted by the British Ball was started and carried out by the wives of the former heads of diplomatic missions in Bucharest: the bilingual color cooking book, “Celebrating Food around the World” | “Sărbătorind mâncarea în jurul lumii”. The book includes a special contribution from Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Crown of Romania, who kindly signed the foreword, as well as one of the recipes in the book. Apart from the happening organised and presented by our partners from the Opera Comică pentru copii (Comical Opera for Children), this year we had a surprise guest, the winner of Vocea României Junior 2017 (The Voice Junior): Maia Mălăncuș! “În sticluțele mici se țin esențele tari / Moga mi-a zis: ‘Ești gata, Maia, cât de sus poți să sari?’” | “Strong extracts in small bottles are found / Moga told me: ‘Maia, are you ready, how high for are you bound?’” is part of the lyrics defining the young artist, who proved that since she was 9 that she has all she needed for being a great artist. Maia helped us, through her songs, to reveal the theme of the academic year 2018 – 2019 at English Kids Academy: DREAM. The organisers thank the sponsors, partners, whose help made the event a special experience for all participants.
International House Bucharest present at the 2016 Cambridge Awards
Every year the prestigious Cambridge English Language Assessment, part of the University of Cambridge, hosts an Award ceremony to recognize and reward the efforts of the global network of registered Cambridge English Exam preparation centres. Winners were selected as part of a global nomination process that took place at the beginning of the year and was conducted with the help of regional offices around the world. Winning preparation centres needed to exhibit an exemplary standard in their commitment to students, parents and teachers as well as an innovative approach to the utilisation of digital technology to ensure a Customer First approach. The Reception, Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner were held at Christ’s College, Cambridge on Thursday 30 June and winners were each presented with their trophies. 12 finalists from centres all over the world were invited to attend the event from 30th of June to the 4th of July in Cambridge. Representatives of the schools stayed at King’s College and took part in workshops and seminars. International House Bucharest is proud to announce that it was nominated by Cambridge authorised Exam Centre as one of the best preparation centres in the country for the category Exceptional Educational Impact.
Summer Sale – 20% off for English, German, French and Spanish IH Open Courses
The 20% discount is available until the 9th of September 2016! For a 38.5 hour module you will pay only 740 RON instead of 924 RON! Learn how to master a new foreign language, together with more than 10.000 students of International House Bucharest, the leader of the Business English Courses in Romania! For more information, please contact us.
IH Certificate in Teaching English (IHC)
This is an initial teaching certificate designed for those with little or no experience of teaching English as a Foreign Language. As part of the blended course candidates will do six hours of observed teaching practice, for which they will need a local tutor who can watch their classes. Aims An entry-level course that trains candidates to teach foreign languages to non-native speakers. Upon qualifying, participants will have reached a teaching standard suitable for language schools which are EAQUALS members and/or certified Cambridge examination centres. Content 120 hours to include 60 hours of input and seminars, 6 hours of assessed teaching practice, 30 hours of guided peer observation, plus observation of experienced teachers, feedback and tutorials. In addition, candidates are expected to spend 40 hours on reading and lesson planning, and write up to 3 assignments. Depending on the teacher training centres’ local logistics, the course length may vary between 2 and 4 weeks. Structure & Assessment Candidates are assessed on three main areas: coursework, written assignments and teaching practice. They must pass the teaching practice element of the course and complete all lesson observations and tasks, as well as written assignments and coursework. The course is graded Distinction, Pass, Fail and is taught by qualified, experienced tutors. Why IH Certificate in Teaching English (IHC)? The International House name is widely respected in the field of language teaching, so teachers who have trained with IH are usually ranked as excellent in customer feedback as well as employer appraisal. All tutors on IH courses are highly qualified and experienced and are regulated as part of the IH Inspections process. Latest IHC Holders at IH Bucharest In September 2016 six of our teachers were trained on this programme on a full-time basis. Their course tutor was Robert Fletcher, a CELTA and DELTA trainer with 25 years of international experience as a professional in the field of language training.
Foreign language courses for adults
Do you want to enjoy great SUCCES when you interact with your boss, with your clients and your suppliers? International House Bucharest offers you open courses of English, German, French and Spanish. ATENTIE PAGINA ASTA ESTE REDIRECTATA CATRE
Târgul de Crăciun 2016
Studenții grupelor de limbă și cultură japoneză din cadrul International House Bucharest vă invită să sărbătoriți Crăciunul alături de ei la…. クリスマス マーケット2016 Târgul de Crăciun 2016
International House Bucharest, an Anniversary Outlook
History often has its way of channelling private enterprises smoothly towards large-scale endeavours. While we at International House Bucharest are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year, our country is enjoying its 10th year as a full member of the European Union. Moreover, as Romania is getting ready for its 100th anniversary as a nation next year, we too will be hailing in 2018 a decade of full membership in the European Association for Quality Language Services (EAQUALS). So, looking back, we realise how much of our route has followed our country’s course. When we started out, in 2002, His Excellency Jonathan Scheele, Head of the European Commission Delegation in Romania (2001-2006), joined our Romanian language course, while Mrs Sarah Scheele trained our first batch of professional English language trainers. Subsequently, we have been honoured to gently pave the way for further prominent students, such as Their Excellencies the Ambassadors of Sweden, the United Kingdom or the Netherlands, towards our language, our culture and our hearts, so that solid bridges of genuine friendship, shared goals and empowering joint projects can be built. The British Ball, for instance, a charitable event we have organised since 2012, enables our youth to confidently get in touch with the Royal House of Britain and receive Her Majesty’s special message, year by year. Over the last few ambitious years when Romania has been striving to catch up with its more developed EU partners, we have trained over 15,000 professionals in 350 companies around the country. To our students, acquiring good English has meant giving effective presentations, putting forth bold initiatives, shaping cross-cultural differences into mutually respectful partnerships, and making new business contracts happen. We have helped turn our business English students into professional members of multinational teams, enhancing their ability to perform in international environments as competently as in their home arena. And just as business in Romania has grown all these years, we have grown with it, topping the National Ranking of Private Businesses, operated by the Romanian National Council of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, for years. How does it feel for a company and its stakeholders to contribute their small-scale history to the large-scale one? Undoubtedly, fantastic. It has been 15 years of IH Bucharest accompanying Romania along its way to reaching European-level development, performance, cross-cultural competence and vision. 15 years uphill, fuelled by the priceless feeling of a job well done, by the patience, insight and dedication of dozens of trainers and teachers. To them all and to all of our students, happy anniversary on the further-reaching route of history!
Romanian Intensive Courses
Study Romanian invites you to attend our open intensive summer courses, that are divided into 2 activity modules: Conversation Grammar The course dates are flexible so you can take part in a two week (16 h) module or each of the five proposed modules: July 10th – July 20th 2017 July 24th – August 3rd 2017 August 7th –August 17th 2017 August 21st – August 31st 2017 September 4th – September 14th 2017 Course days: from Monday to Thursday, 2 h, between 18:00 and 20:00. The courses will take place at our head office 93-95 Lănăriei Street, T-Center Building, 1st Floor, District 4, Bucharest. Enrolment: The enrolment for the courses is open until July 10th (inclusive), limited places available. You can sign up by e-mail The course materials are offered by International House at no additional cost. Thank you for your attention and for further information or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us!