The British Ball, the magical event for children and parents marking in Romania the birthday of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, the Queen of the United Kingdom, held its seventh edition on June 8th, 2018.
During the prestigious event organised yearly by International House Bucharest and English Kids Academy, with the support of His Excellency, Mr. Paul Brummell – The Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania, children, with outstanding results at English during the academic year 2017 – 2018, have been rewarded within the Fonix and Cambridge contests and other international exams.
The British Ball benefited this year, too, from the support of the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Bucharest and of the British Royal Family, who sent yearly the message of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, dedicated to the children and parents attending the event.
This year’s British Ball was covered by PRO TV as follows:
The event gathered approx. 800 guests: children from some prestigious schools in Bucharest, English Kids Academy students, parents, teachers, managers of the award-winning educational institutions, high ranking dignitaries and important representatives of the education sector.
The British Ball is a high class event for Bucharest, oriented on several directions:
- supports and promotes quality education
- promotes values in the Romanian society
- celebrates, in Romania, the birthday of the Queen of Great Britain, Her Majesty Elizabeth II
- rewards the pupils with the best results at English throughout the academic year
- donates funds for major charity causes
- hosts a complex cultural programme, including artistic performances of the children attending the event, but also of famous artists.
Since at English Kids Academy we do our best to teach children more than English, we wish to foster respect and responsibility towards: environment, Earth; respect and kindness to other people, other children, yearly, we support a new charity cause. The charity cause of the 2018 British Ball was directed, as in the last two years, towards Centrul Stelutelor – Asociatia M.A.M.E. It is the third consecutive year when, together, we provide the opportunity to a group of 25 children attended to by the centre to participate for 7 days in Tabara Stelutelor.
A second charity project hosted by the British Ball was started and carried out by the wives of the former heads of diplomatic missions in Bucharest: the bilingual color cooking book, “Celebrating Food around the World” | “Sărbătorind mâncarea în jurul lumii”. The book includes a special contribution from Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Crown of Romania, who kindly signed the foreword, as well as one of the recipes in the book.
Apart from the happening organised and presented by our partners from the Opera Comică pentru copii (Comical Opera for Children), this year we had a surprise guest, the winner of Vocea României Junior 2017 (The Voice Junior): Maia Mălăncuș! “În sticluțele mici se țin esențele tari / Moga mi-a zis: ‘Ești gata, Maia, cât de sus poți să sari?’” | “Strong extracts in small bottles are found / Moga told me: ‘Maia, are you ready, how high for are you bound?’” is part of the lyrics defining the young artist, who proved that since she was 9 that she has all she needed for being a great artist. Maia helped us, through her songs, to reveal the theme of the academic year 2018 – 2019 at English Kids Academy: DREAM.
The organisers thank the sponsors, partners, whose help made the event a special experience for all participants.